Alabama cries out to be photographed. These two things caught my eye but the raw photos turned out to be pretty mundane. (It seems to take more talent than I've got to make the side of a wall or a hubcap interesting.) But who needs a good eye when there are computers and photo editing programs to be had? I tweaked these and like them a lot better now.

The first shot is of a faded advertisement in Tuscaloosa. (In preparing this page I ran a Google search for "Moerlein beer Alabama", thinking I might learn what happened to the brewery, and the only link I came up with was about this very sign. Have a look: <>. It apparently dates back at least 80 years.)

As for the second photo ­ who remembers the Ford Ranchero? An unholy cross between a Falcon and a pickup truck, it was manufactured for a few years in the early 1960s. Late one night we saw one at a used car lot, still with original hubcaps.