On Easter Sunday Kirsten and I rode our bikes to the Tidal Basic to see the cherry blossoms. As we neared the Q Street bridge on the Rock Creek bike path, a jogger flagged us down. A baby owl was on the ground and being attacked by crows. The little bird looked helpless. I picked him up and Kirsten called Animal Control.





I was able to inspect him a little bit. He didn't seem to be hurt but at the same time he wasn't trying to go anywhere.

Animal Control helpfully agreed to meet us at the P Street entrance. As we set out to meet them, I tried to get a better hold on the owl so that he wouldn't fall out of my helmet. While I was adjusting my grip, he spread his wings and flew to the ground, then to a tree - just out of our reach. A minute later he flew again, this time to a perch 30 feet off the ground, where he sat and ignored two loud bluejays who seemed offended by his arrival. We watched him another 10 minutes or so and when we were satisfied he was okay, continued on our way.